Home Themes Best Free Personal Blog WordPress Themes

Best Free Personal Blog WordPress Themes

A personal blog needs to reflect who you are, convey the sentiment or the overall tone and tenor of the blog, blend in with the kind of posts you are going to publish and managing the entire blog must be a cakewalk. There’re enough complex tasks to manage anyway. The last thing you want is a complicated theme that takes a long time to work with. From setting up the blog to publishing every new post, the whole premise must be so simple that all you need to indulge in are a few clicks.

There is no dearth of blogging themes on WordPress. There are actually hundreds. Many of them are available on the official site of WordPress and plenty are available on third party sites. You may also choose to pay for a particular theme should you be so impressed with it given the needs of your personal blog. In most cases, the best free personal blog WordPress themes are all you would need. Here are some of the finest that you can check out.

Personal Journal

Personal Journal

This theme is very simple but beautiful and it is an immersive theme. A reader or visitor to the blog would easily get hooked to the content. You don’t want much fuss or fluff on your personal blog. The focus has to be entirely on the content, what you wish to share and what you have penned down. The theme is modern and bold. It uses stunning calligraphy and can emulate our handwriting these days. You can also choose interesting aesthetic elements so your blog is stylish and really stands out. It is a complete bespoke theme that is apt for a personal journal.



This theme is visually appealing. It is a tad broody, a tad thought provoking, a tad dramatic and a tad immersive. All these are elements that you would want in your personal blog. The overbearing background image and the nifty layout for every new post work very effectively. You can obviously change the image and other typical features of the theme.



This theme works just as well for a personal blog. You don’t have to pen down stuff about consumer electronics or video graphics processors.

Blogly Lite

Blogly Lite

Here is a theme that is happening. It focuses on the content while presenting a plethora of associated keywords and entries that would make browsing the blog a sort of an adventure but rather easy.

Flat Sky

Flat Sky

This theme is one of the simplest and best free personal blog WordPress themes. If you don’t want to do any bit of work and just want a decent site, then this is it.