Creating a website is something that requires, skill, knowledge a lot of time. It can be a lot simpler to use a wordpress theme, but even skilled web designers can have a much easier process by making a theme on their own. Making a wordpress theme from scratch can be really time consuming. It is a lot simpler to make your own theme using a wordpress starter theme. Now you can create a wordpress themes for a variety of different reasons using a wordpress starter theme. A starter theme is the easiest way to begin building your own wordpress theme. Using any other method will require too much time and effort.
What is a Starter Theme?
It is important to understand what wordpress starter themes are and how they work. Building a wordpress theme on your own requires the use of HTML and CSS, which are complicated and time consuming to work with. You then have to convert from HTML and CSS to wordpress. The entire process is something that you can bypass entirely if you choose to use a starter theme. You can avoid all the complex inner workings that are required when you build a theme from scratch. When you are using a starter theme, you have the ability to use ready made code, headers, navigation, sidebar and footers. All of these features make it so easy for you to build your own wordpress theme no matter what design or layout you have in mind. It is possible for you to add more functions and features that you find most appealing for your theme. The possibilities are endless and the process can be easy if you use a wordpress starter theme.
Choosing the Right Starter Theme
There are so many different wordpress starter themes that you can choose from making the process of finding the right one a bit overwhelming. Choosing just the right wordpress starter themes comes down to looking for the best features and menu options, but also prices. There are a number of wordpress starter themes that come at no cost. This means that you can make a wordpress creation of your own using a starter theme that has no cost to you. This is the best option and there are really great free wordpress starter themes that you can choose from. If you don’t know which starter themes to start selecting from, you can use our list as your guide. This will allow you to know what the best options are and why they might be the perfect starter theme for you. Here are some of the best free wordpress starter themes that you can choose from:

This is a responsive starter theme that can be a great option for those that are already familiar with HTML5. It is specifically designed to make wordpress creation as easy as possible. You do not need a lot of experience with creating wordpress themes in order to successfully use this starter theme. It offers CSS samples layouts that you can choose from with more than 5 options available and you can even get access to a 404 page. It is designed to have mobile friendly navigation built-in. There are so many useful features that you will have more than you know what to do with. Everything that you require when building a wordpress theme will be featured in this option. It is easy to download and get started, which is why it is so popular among people looking to create their own wordpress themes.

This is another starter wordpress theme that is a great option if you are looking to avoid building a wordpress theme from scratch. It comes with built-in HTML5 and has all the framework built to connect with social sites. One of the best parts about using this starter theme is that it sends very few requests to the server. This means that you can speed up the amount of time that it takes to create your wordpress theme. Everything is optimized to make it easier for you. The really cool feature that this starter theme offers is the theme wrapper. This is designed to help you avoid repeating code over and over again, You will also get access to clean URLs using this feature. Everything about this free wordpress starter theme is what you have been looking for in an available downloadable option.

Bones is another highly rated and reviewed free wordpress starter theme that you can find online. It is known for being easy to use and has built-in HTML5 bollerplate. It is designed to be responsive and will require no coding from you. There are a number of features that make customization really simplified with this starter theme that has no cost at all.