It is no surprise that you want more people to read on your site. Getting your visitors to read more is not always easy and it does start with creating quality content. However, having unique, creative, high quality content is not enough. Since you want your readers to click the “continue reading” button, there are a few read more WordPress plugins that enable you to have more control over your excerpts. This can help you make sure that more of your posts are being read. If you want your visitors to read more, the trick is to choose the right WordPress read more plugin.
1. Read More Without Refresh
The best part of this plugin is that clicking the “continue reading” button will simply allow the content to fully load on the homepage. Clicking the button once more will then hide the content as you continue to look over the site. Visitors of the site will quickly learn the setup and will be able to read more content with ease and stay on your site’s homepage. Content will still exist on one single page, but the benefit if having excerpts is that all of your posts will remain located in the same spot. The installation of this plugin is easy, which is an added bonus.
2. AJAX Read More
This WordPress read more plugin is similar in design and function to the Read More Right Here plugin, but the main difference is that users do not have the ability to hide content. Clicking the link will not hide content, but the “continue reading” button does go away once the rest of the content is loaded. Not being able to hide the content is a major issue for some sites. It is all a matter of preference. If having the ability to hide the content is not a major feature on your site, this might be the ideal WP read more plugin for your site.
3. Auto Excerpt Everywhere
Using this plugin you can expect visitors to read more, because all excerpts are shown on the homepage without requiring any code. This is a huge benefit and makes the Auto excerpt Everywhere plugin a major lifesaver for sites that are content-oriented. Using this plugin allows you to turn excerpts on, control excerpt length and even control the thumbnails. All of these features really come in handy when you are trying to get visitors to read more of your excerpts.