Home Themes Best Free WordPress Themes for Bloggers

Best Free WordPress Themes for Bloggers

There are hundreds of WordPress themes for bloggers. It is really a daunting challenge to pick a few and to regard them as the best. Dozens of themes are almost identical unless you do something unique with the customizations. Bloggers don’t necessarily rely on images or any kind of fancy designs as that would impair the viewing experience. Visitors must get a very lucid presentation of the blog.

Any design element or animation that exists must be there to accentuate the content. The website or the theme itself cannot overpower the content or grab the spotlight. That is the balance bloggers must seek in their website. Here are some of the best free WordPress themes for bloggers that you can work on.



This theme is a fine blend of the classic blog with a contemporary feel. It is simple, minimalist, the focus is on the content, the color palette is soothing and a visitor would get drawn in due to the immersiveness of the layout. Smart blog posts with great quality content interspersed with some cool customizations can really make this theme the best for bloggers. The theme comes with customizable headers, logos, footers, theme colors, accents, menu links and much more.



This theme is a beautiful theme. It is responsive so bloggers can reach out to the traditional and mobile audience. The modern feel of the theme along with the classic sections of portfolio, blog, features and contact apart from home works very well. The robust framework supporting the theme and the choice of fonts, featured images and the sitemap along with social media icons, gallery and video library ensure that you have everything you need.



This theme is basically a template for online magazines but it is also one of the best free WordPress themes for bloggers. Today, bloggers rely on featured images to draw in their readers. Blog posts or every story is actually lined up using such thumbnail or featured images and a short description of the blog. ColorMag allows you to come up with titles and to highlight them along with the images and a short description. The interactive layout with several tools to make online publishing effortless, ColorMag is surely a very useful theme for bloggers.

Anarcho Notepad

Anarcho Notepad

This theme is for bloggers who want their writing to do the talking. The theme is cool, customizable and a tad rustic and certainly makes an impression.