If you’re starting a new website, then you can’t go wrong with the choice of using Joomla 3.0. You’ll want a fast, lightweight template that will look good on all platforms, including all mobile devices. You also want browser compatibility that is as universal as possible and options that are easy to customize without needing to be fluent in HTML5 or CSS. The best free Joomla 3.0 templates incorporate all of this and much more! Let’s take a look.
1. Meet Gavern – http://www.gavick.com/
Based on Boostrap, Meet Gavern is a free, responsive Joomla 3.0 template that is clean, simple, and looks great. The information you need is put right up front for the user to see, but you’ll still provide a good UX thanks to the wide range of menu options and the extensive footer that is included with the design. Advanced typography lets you add block quotes, alerts, and even buttons to the site. You can change the fonts through Google or Squirrel and the standard Joomla manager is used for composition.
2. SJ Joomla 3 – http://www.smartaddons.com/
This flexible free Joomla 3.0 template is still pretty responsive and offers a quality framework for you to get started on your own website. The primary feature in this template is the admin panel that goes in-depth pretty well, but you’ll also get full mobile integration with this template upon installation. The graphics dominate the header like users like in a modern website, but the color scheme is a little basic to start. You’ll want to get into the CSS and make some changes if you utilize this free template.
3. Gantry – http://gantry-framework.org/
Using the AJAX system lets Gantry have functionality and the ability to utilize third party extensions. It’s more of a framework than a template, however, so you’ll need to get some building done on it unless you utilize the default template that is included. It’s incredibly responsible and works well on all platforms. For a free download, it’s difficult to find something that has this much potential value for a webmaster.
4. Wright v3 – http://wright.joomlashack.com/
This template framework also includes a default template and you’ll get all the documentation you need to build your own layout if you prefer. It’s presented by Joomlashack, so you’ll also get lots of tips and tricks to fully customize your site by using this mobile ready framework. It’s based off of Bootstrap, completely open source, and is built upon a solid 960 grid system that is fluid or fixed. There’s lots of buttons, labels, and alerts included as well, handing out a lot of value.
5. Zootemplate – http://www.zootemplate.com/
For an extensive collection of good free Joomla 3.0 templates, Zootemplate offers a full menu of designs that will help you find the right solution to meet your needs. You can demo each of the free templates and if you’ve got questions, there’s an online chat function available to help you choose the best template for your needs. With responsive designs, plenty of menu options available, and lots of different styles from which to choose, you’ll quickly find the perfect layout to get your new website off the ground.