Home Wordpress Plugins The Best 7 WordPress HTML Editor Plugins

The Best 7 WordPress HTML Editor Plugins

HTML editors are critical because it will allow for a website to function better. HTML is one of the most popular web languages, and if there are errors, it can create problems with loading a page, loading a video, and much more. It can also hurt SEO overall.

Explore some of the top WordPress HTML editor plug-ins now.

1. HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter

HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
Syntax highlighting can be easily added within this HTML editor. You have the ability to save posts and pages and there is a full screen mode to get a better look at what you’re doing. Additionally, cursor positions can be restored when the pages are reloaded.

2. Plug-n-Edit Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor

Plug-n-Edit Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor
This HTML editor uses an adaptive WYSIWYG visual approach that provides the features of a desktop publisher as well as a word processor. You have access to a 3D page building design where you can control height, width, and depth, whereas the standard HTML editors are based on 2D page designs.

3. HTML Post Editor

HTML Post Editor
The plug-in provides an HTML editor to the post editor default. There will be a new HTML tab that allows you to load the raw source HTML. You will be able to see line numbers, syntax highlights, and more to work with the code in an easier way.

4. HTML Mode Locker

HTML Mode Locker
This plug-in helps to get rid of the frustration when working with WYSIWYG editors, particularly when switching between the HTML and visual models. You will be able to lock into the mode you use the most.

5. Admin Font Editor

This plug-in allows you to choose the size and style of the font when you’re working with an HTML editor in the edit posts/pages as well as the reply field in comments. This gives you more control of your WordPress theme and makes it easier to see without the distractions of small text.

6. HTML Editor Type

HTML editors are not the easiest to use because of the small text. This plug-in uses a better font for coding and has a significant amount of international support. This allows you to have the prettier typing you have always wanted.

7. Preserved HTML Editor

White space is preserved with this HTML Editor. It supports an array of coding, including CSS, Javascript, and HTML5. What’s unique about this plug-in is that it allows end users to work in the WYSIWYG tab and developers to work in the HTML tab simultaneously.

Now that you have seen some of the free WordPress HTML editor plug-ins, you will be able to determine which one is going to be right for your website and the WordPress theme that you have in place.