What is your WordPress website about? It is centered around a single idea or does it branch off into a number of different sub-topics? While providing a place to have the conversations you find important is central to the success of your WordPress website, being able to organize these people and ideas into groups will save you a lot of hassle. With that in mind, lets take a look at the top WordPress Groups Plugins including the following.
1. Groups Membership And Access Control
Group Membership And Access Control is exactly what it sounds like. Providing group-based user and membership management, content access control and, group-oriented membership, this plugin allows you to more easily organize your users and categorize them according to your needs. The benefit of this is that you can create an unlimited number of groups, automatically add users to groups, create group hierarchies, and much more. With overwhelmingly positive support, more then 10,000 people have incorporated this useful plugin into their WordPress website. Group Membership And Access Control also has solid support and a generally helpful development staff. If you have any questions, check the forum community out.
2. Private Groups
Private Groups is another small plugin that allows for you to create unlimited private forum groups. So as an example, you can have a user selected to different specific user groups and forums based on your designation. In addition, certain parts of what users can see can be set to visible while the greater body of content remains hidden. Great for organizing small selective groups based around discussions, Private Groups has found a small community that it provides excellent support through its plugin. As an important note, Private Groups is created to work with the Forums Plugin Software, BBPress. Check the parent plugin for additional functionality regarding what is and is not supported.
3. Buddypress Group Email Subscription
Buddypress Group E-mail Subscription is a plugin centered around sending information out via e-mail to people who have subscribed to your WordPress. Allowing you to create specific groups and then mail to those groups, the plugin supports 5 e-mail options including no e-mail, weekly summary e-mail, daily digest e-mail, new topics e-mail, and a general all e-mails. With these subscription levels, you can set up your e-mail groups easier then ever before. In addition, with over 6,000+ active users, Buddypress Group E-mail Subscriptions is an amazingly powerful tool.