The core of WordPress functionality centers around pages and posts. Without either of these, think about how limiting WordPress would be. People would be stuck with static pages, robbing WordPress of its dynamic and energetic feel. Enhancing these elements even further are a wide range of plugins specifically designed to make recent posts more recognizable. Whether it is adding a drop down menu or providing a widget that allows for full text, these plugins are crucial to making each individual WordPress website unique. With that in mind, some of the best recent posts plugins include:
1. Recent Posts Widget Extended
Recent Posts Widget Extended is designed to enhance the default widgets found in most WordPress themes. The plugin allows for custom advanced posts that can be displayed in any number of ways. Features of the Recent Posts Widget Extended include support for WordPress 4.0.1, shortcode features, taxonomy support, post status options, custom title url, display by any number of features, read more options, and multiple widget format support. With 80,000+ active users and few if any less then stellar stars, Recent Posts Widget Extended is a popular choice for making your recent posts more varied.
2. Special Recent Posts
While Recent Posts Widget Extended looks to provide several options, Special Recent Posts looks to provide way more variety for those who want full control over customization. Coming in both free and paid versions, the Special Recent Posts presents a powerful and beautiful way to display WordPress posts through thumbnails. Features of this plugin include a dynamic widget interface, a responsive layout, thumbnail management, custom CSS editor, multiple configurations for the widgets, and more then 40+ customization options. With so much going on it is no wonder that Special Recent Posts has 60,000+ active users as well as a strong support network for those who purchase the full plugin.
3. Recent Posts Slider
Recent Posts Slider is a fantastic plugin that displays recent posts in a slider format. Along with supporting options that allow you to change the width, height, post per slide, number of posts, to display and more, the Recent Posts Slider allows you to either borrow the primary image or insert your own thumbnail for the slider image. There is also a pro version of the Recent Posts Slider which comes with additional support and functionality. If you are looking to have your recent posts in a slider format, then it may be worth going with the premium version.