Home Wordpress Plugins Best WordPress Autoblog Plugins

Best WordPress Autoblog Plugins

After the successful launching of WordPress last 2004, countless of IT enthusiast appreciated and took advantage of it the positive way. This system offered people globally a cost free, open source and easy blogging platform. WordPress was known to be the most popular and best blogging tool in this modern day. Moreover, WP also opened various opportunities for developer; for them to create premium plugins designs to address specific needs and wants of WordPress users all over the world.


This plugins is designed for autoblogging. This is to automatically generate post from Atom/RSS feeds that you have selected which ordered into campaigns. This uses Simplepie library when fetching RSS included in WP or external force use; and during image processing, this also utilizes core functions. Below is some of its support feature:

  • Options and campaign fees are ordered into campaigns.
  • Provides comfortable interface such as WP post editing for each campaign.
  • Contains multiple categories and feeds, making it possible to add many feeds to categories.
  • With feed auto discovery that allow user to add feed without the need of knowing its exact URL.
  • WP cron jobs and Unix cron are provided for maximum blogging performance.

WP Pipes

WP Pipes
One of the most powerful services online in making data pipeline is Yahoo Pipes and Zapier and WHP pipes by wpBriz becomes widely available to WP community to bring powerful capabilities to their sites. Users can create numerous Pipes, give input and get outputs whenever you need.

If your one of those IT enthusiast, you surely familiar with plugins, for those who are not, this defines as the prepackaged codes which enhances functionalities and feature of certain blog or site. There are countless of plugins being offered today. This plugins encompasses wide variety of advantages and one of which is the Autoblogging.

Autoblog or creating blog content automatically makes blogging completely automated and hassle free. WP autoblog provides opportunity to blog writer, this makes post scheduling easy and automated with regular intervals that can be predetermined, this makes blog lively and fresh all the time. This action had been the common practice which was mastered successful by several internet successful marketers these days. Autobloggers aims to promote affiliate product by generating automated blogging content rather than spending endless writers in creating new content. Autoblogging doesn’t mean that having original content is not vital.

With this plugins, you can now easily uses RSS feed to your post. This allows you to get newsfeed from the source of RSS Feed and store it to WP as posts. The RSS feed creator helps you in getting posts from WP post and export as RSS feeds. While iTunes Podcast creator gets WordPress post and permit exportation as iTunes podcast. The Google Sitemap XML genera tarot gets post from the WP posts and export it Google XML. The RSS fee WooCommerce creator gets a WooCommerce Products and export it as Google XML sitemap or RSS feed. Moreover, the CSV importer WooCommerce allows user to upload CVS files then import it to the Woo Commerce.