One of the most effective ways for a non-profit organization to raise money is through a fundraiser. It’s not just non-profits that can benefit from these free flyer templates, however, because everything from a school sports program to an independent club can utilize these promotional materials to raise money for a good cause. They can even be used by individuals who just want to do something good for a cause they want to support. This showcase features the best of the best that the internet has to offer right now to meet this specific need.
1. Printable Flyer Templates –
When it comes to free flyer templates for a fundraiser, this one is definitely one of the best! You’ve got the ability to put the name of your cause in bold print right at the top of the page. There’s places for important facts, a description of the cause and why donating money toward it is important, and a large block for your contact information. The background is professional, it’s got a monetary them throughout it, and it will all work together to inspire people to get involved with your cause.
2. Printable Signs –
One of the most common types of community fundraisers is a charity car wash. If that’s the type of event that you’re planning on holding, then this free .pdf template is perfect for you. You literally just have to download the template and insert your own text about who your car wash is benefiting. For even more speed, you can simply print the template out as is and fill in the benefit information by hand if you have a large team of volunteers.
3. Official Fundraising Handbook –
You’ll get all of the tools you need to get your fundraiser off the ground and a successful event. There’s even templates included with this pack to help you write thank you letters. Use the calculator to determine what your fundraising goals should be. There’s even a template to help you show your fundraising progress in a flyer form so people can see how much money has already been raised. You’ll literally get everything you need right here.
4. FPPT –
If you’re looking for an Excel template to meet your needs, then this is the free fundraiser flyer template to use. You can put in all of your financial goals, keep track of your incoming donations, and then quickly print out the data to support your biggest contributors to the local community to give them some unanticipated free press if you wish. You simply put in the data and print. It’s that easy.
5. Bloomerang –
For another take on the rising thermometer flyer template for fundraising, this free download gives you a few more options. You can put in specific goals that can track what you need or have already raised in funds. You’ll get multiple templates with the temperature gauge at different heights so you can distribute flyers based on where you are. It takes a little extra work, but this one is quite useful.